Program of Work

September 2024:

Each Wednesday of the month, members have allotted time to work with our advisor on their STAR Event projects.

STAR Event Work Time:

Every third Wednesday of the month, WAO FCCLA members meet to discuss old business, new business, and anything else pertaining to the meeting. At this particular meeting, members were reminded of new policies in place, reviewed the Program of Work for the year, discussed chapter t-shirts and pins, and signed up for the Northern Fall Rally and Fall Summit.

Chapter Meeting:

Members sold hot cocoa and hot apple cider as a fundraiser during two home football games for fans.

Hot Cocoa at Football Games:

Members sold italian dunkers, hot cocoa, and hot apple cider as a fundraiser during two home volleyball games for fans.

Italian Dunkers at Volleyball Games:

October 2024:

Each Wednesday of the month, members have allotted time to work with our advisor on their STAR Event projects.

STAR Event Work Time:

Every third Wednesday of the month, WAO FCCLA members meet to discuss old business, new business, and anything else pertaining to the meeting. At this particular meeting, members were reminded of policies, voted for chapter t-shirt and pin designs, and were introduced to the Little Caesars fundraiser.

Chapter Meeting:

At the Fall Rally, members-as well as interested students-attended workshops about running for office, community service, and more. These workshops were led by Northern Area officers Bethanie VonEnde and Emily Burkel, WAO chapter officer Rachel Wimpfheimer, as well as State officer Macey Novacek.

Northern Area Fall Rally:

Members sold Little Caesars pizza kits during the month of October as a fundraiser.

Little Caesars:

Chapter members Rachel and Ava sold hot meals as a fundraiser to farmers as their STAR Event during the month of October.

Field to Fork:

Members sold hot cocoa and hot apple cider as a fundraiser during a home football game for fans.

Hot Cocoa at Football Game:

November 2024:

Before our advisor took leave, members got together to work on their STAR Events.

STAR Event Work Time:

Every third Wednesday of the month, WAO FCCLA members meet to discuss old business, new business, and anything else pertaining to the meeting. At this particular meeting, members signed up to help serve food at Pony Pride Night, planned days for baking for the Christmas Bake Sale, were introduced to the Mid-Winter STAR Event competition, and discussed Friendsgiving.

Chapter Meeting:

WAO FCCLA members joined 130 other MN FCCLA members from across the state. Members participated in service projects, attended workshops, and learned about various STAR Events with skits performed by peers.

Fall Summit:

A handful of members helped serve food as a service project and fundraiser to community members during the Pony Pride Night held at the WAO High School.

Serve Food at Pony Pride Night:

December 2024:

Members made baked goods to sell at the Elementary and High School Christmas concert.

Christmas Bake Sale:

Every third Wednesday of the month, WAO FCCLA members meet to discuss old business, new business, and anything else pertaining to the meeting. At this particular meeting, members discussed future fundraisers, were told details about the Mid-Winter Competition, completed their online submission forms, and filled out their STAR Event Progress Reports.

Chapter Meeting:

January 2025:

Every third Wednesday of the month, WAO FCCLA members meet to discuss old business, new business, and anything else pertaining to the meeting. At this particular meeting, members decided on a fundraiser to do in the future, signed up to partake in National Program Awards, and were given chapter t-shirts.

Chapter Meeting:

Mid-Winter STAR Event Competition:

9 members competed at the Mid-Winter Meeting in Karlstad, MN. Members also participated in a service project to make Valentine’s Day cards for veterans.