Chapter Supporter Recognition

How can you help us?

FCCLA would not be able to thrive if it wasn’t for our community! Community is what allows us to be stronger. Financial support is greatly appreciated and will be recognized on our website as well as at certain FCCLA events.

If you or your business is interested in sponsoring WAO FCCLA, please contact our chapter advisor, Mrs. Jerrica Pribula:

WAO FCCLA is eternally grateful for the following sponsors who have allowed us to continue to serve the community:

Platinum ($1,000+):


Simplot has supplied us with french fries for our annual French Fry Feed.

WAO Education Foundation:

The WAO Ed Foundation helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA.

WAO Booster Club:

The WAO Booster Club helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA.

Gold ($500-$1,000):

Ironman Welding - Adam Lind:

Adam Lind has generously donated to help us put on our annual French Fry Feed fundraiser.

Cole Papers:

Coles Papers has supplied the boats, condiment cups, and napkins for our annual French Fry Feed.

Warren Lions Club:

The Warren Lions Club helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA

Warren Jaycees:

The Warren Jaycees has helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA.

JFF Inc.:

JFF Inc. has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Silver ($100-$500):

Stroble Farms:

Stroble Farms has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Section 6 Seeds:

Section 6 Seeds has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Frandsen Bank & Trust:

Frandsen Bank & Trust has helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA.

James Oberg Farms:

James Oberg Farms has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Wimphfeimer Farms:

Wimphfeimer Farms has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Scott Oberg Farms:

Scott Oberg Farms has donated generously with our Field to Fork fundraiser.

Bronze (>$100):


Mawami has helped sponsor us to go to the National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA.